Talking with the staff and thinking about a better way to handle “Clan Nights”. With as large as we are now unifying a particular game is very difficult. What we need now is game leaders and setup a “gaming schedule” where that game leader sets a night per week where they will be on to get a party together. This would go for all gaming platforms.
I feel we really need to start thinking about this as a gaming community instead of a say a clan.
What is a Game leader?
A person that plays a specific game weekly and is proactive in getting a party together. A person that any GRG member can join on for that night scheduled. This is so members know that a person will be on for that game.
I would like to see staff members be this type of person as well as any GRG member that is willing to step up.
So what I am asking for. The game leader would pick one night out of the week where they can pretty much dedicate themselves to playing a particular game /game mode on that night. (This means no bailing if no-one shows up in the first 5 mins either) We would then have this schedule posted in the forums, in the calendar and the newsletter. Keep it updated and accurate. If a game leader cant make a night need to make sure it posted as such and hopefully find a sub.
For example:
Grex – XBOX – Destiny Crucible
Audible – PS4 – COD:AW
Digital – XBOX – GTA:V missions
Lala -XBOX – BF4
Gunny: – WII – My little Pony ranch
DisneyNut – Xbox -COD:AW
Game leaders need to be dedicated though. This will not work with out you. You will even get a fancy title and have special access to the glory hole, You know… as a benefit.
So I am calling on all GRG members to step up for the community. If you know you normally play Destiny on Tuesday nights then let announce that.