Grim Reaper Gamers hosts a Bi-Weekly Podcast where we talk about Community News, Video Games, Beer and whatever else we feel like discussing. This episode we discuss the fallout from EA / Star Wars Loot crate debacle. We also cover the latest in gaming news.
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Lala Rant
- Surprise rant.
Gaming News
- Loot box backlash
- Take-Two President does not view Loot Boxes as gambling
- Player Unkown Battlegrounds announces microtransactions will not affect gameplay in anyway.
- Twitch Streamer broadcasts UFC 218 PPV fight by pretending it’s UFC 3.
- The Division 1.8 Update
- Ubisoft giving away Assasin’s Creed Black Flag for free on PC until Dec 28th. Unfortunately, not for consoles.
- PUBG 12/12
- 60 FPS on XBox X -False!
- Might be limited to 30 FPS on standard XBox – Bluehole will try to hit 60
- No 4k Textures as they don’t exist.
- Destiny Curse of Osiris 12/5
- What’s new in the DLC?
- Changes from player backlash
- Live stream canceled
- Capped XP issues
- Skyforge
- Playing Multiple Classes
- Story
Community Info
- GRG Extra Life
- Next show recorded on December 19th
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